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The song you are hearing is "Families Can Be Together Forever"


Here are some of the surnames in our family tree.

Alden, Ames (Eames), Antonelli, Atwood, Austin, Ayers, Baker, Ballard, Barron, Bartlett, Beedle, Blake, Blessing (Blyssynge), Blood, Blossom, Bodfish, Brooks, Bubier, Buck, Carpenter, Chamberlain, Champnay, Clarke, Coldham, Cram, Curtis, Danforth, Delano (de Lannoy, de La Noye), Denninger,  Denniss, Denton, Dewesbury, Dicer, Dixon, Dyer, Ferguson, Field, Fletcher Flint, Fogg, French, Fuller, Grande, Greene, Goss, Hall,  Ham, Hammond,  Haradan, Hatch, Heard, Henderson, Hiland (Hyland), Hildreth, Hilton, Holbrook, Hull, Hunt, Hutchinson, Johnson,  Jose, Kidder, Kimball, Kimble, King, Kinsman,  Knight, Kuntz, Lane, Libby, Lidden, Litchfield, Longley, Machon, Marsh, Mercer, Merriam, Meserve, Mitchell, Moore, Mullins (Mullyn), Nash, Norwood,  Nurse, Nutter, Parker, Parsons, Paulet, Pell, Pierce, Poulter, Powers, Proctor, Pynchon, Reed, Remick, Reynolds, Richardson, Roberts, Robertson, Scott, Sellers (Soellers), Shattuck, Shaw, Shepard, Smith, Stainwood, Stanford, Staples, Stone, Strout, TarrTarbell, Taylor, Thurston, Tobin,  Towne, Turner, Vinson, Wade, Wallis, Warren, Whitacre (Whittaker), Whitlock, Whitmarsh, Whitney, Wilkinson, Yaehrling (Jaehrling), Younglove.


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